Galaxy on fire 2 multiplayer
Galaxy on fire 2 multiplayer

galaxy on fire 2 multiplayer

The host should also have the most robust network, as they have to send approximately 2n the data that a client does, where n is the number of clients.This is similar to AI War Classic, but many threads instead of just one.The host should have the most powerful CPU, as it runs a lot of background AI threads that are too time-consuming and long-running to run in the main simulation, and which do not run on clients.The clients are then able to connect, based on whatever the rules are of the networking framework everyone is using. The host must start up the game first, either in the lobby, or by loading an existing save or quick start.Even with our improvements to multiplayer sync, clients are too likely to have slightly-garbled versions of the game. Only the host can save the game, at present.If the host severs the connection, then the game is halted for everyone else.There are several networking frameworks available to use, but the host and clients must all be using the same one. This game is a client-server model, with one host, and any number of clients who are connected to that host. At the moment, we're no longer seeing any issues that seem to be purely lag-related except in extreme circumstances where that would be warranted (people way too far apart with giant games, where it's just a matter of the speed of light and the many routers between them that make the problem).It states how long you were playing for, how much of each type of data was transmitted, what the ping was near the end, and some other general statistics. For this in particular, there are detailed logs on the client and host machine, in the ArcenDebugLog.txt files.Reporting Lag Or Connection Problems, Specifically In other cases, if you suspect something is wrong, then opening the escape menu during the game and taking a screenshot of the stats there to send to us is welcome.But, also, we really don't expect you to be generating these sorts of logs for us typically, so these really are going above and beyond if you are sending those in.Generally with those sorts of logs, we need the equivalent log from the host and at least one client (whichever client had the problem).If you have been generating logging information that is networking-specific, then that will also likely be in the PlayerData folder, in some cases in subfolders.

galaxy on fire 2 multiplayer

Linux: ~/.config/unit圓d/Arcen Games, LLC/AIWar2/Player.log.macOS: ~/Library/Logs/Arcen Games, LLC/AIWar2/Player.log.Windows: C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Arcen Games, LLC\AIWar2\Player.log.That gets overwritten the next time you run the game after a crash, unlike the other log. In rare cases, mainly if your entire game crashes (that almost never happens), we will need your unity player log.You can send us the whole thing, or just strip out relevant parts. The most relevant one is called ArcenDebugLog.txt. If you need to submit log files, those can generally be found under your PlayerData folder in the folder your game is installed in.Any bugs or requests should go to our mantis bugtracker.A great place to meet folks for play or to discuss ideas is our discord channel for AI War 2 multiplayer!.11.6 Show Network Sync Details In Escape Menu.11.5 Write Network World Serialization Logs.11.4 Log Human-Readable Ship Network Syncs To Disk.11.3.3 Network Logging Includes Sync Checks.11.3.2 Network Logging Includes Command Batches.11.3.1 Network Logging Includes Frame Auths.11.1.1 Log Decoded Network Ship Sync Data To Disk.11.1 Log All Decoded Network Sync Data To Disk.11 Various Logging Tools For Multiplayer.10.2 Entity Prediction And Extrapolation?.10.1 AI War Classic: The Lockstep Model.

galaxy on fire 2 multiplayer

  • 10 Technical Explanation Of The Multiplayer Model.
  • 9 What Do I Need To Know About Balance In Multiplayer?.
  • 8.6 Gifting Fleets/Planets Between Players.
  • 8.5 Gifting Fleet Lines Between Players.
  • 8.3 See Where Other Players Are On The Galaxy Map.
  • 8.1 Copies Of Science And Hacking Points.
  • 8 What Multiplayer-Specific Features Exist?.
  • 7.6 Abandoned (Forever Or For A While) Player Factions.
  • 7.5 Empty (From The Start) Player Factions.
  • 7 How Can Players Participate In A Multiplayer Session?.
  • 6.2 Distribution Over The Network In The Future?.

    6 How Do Expansions (DLC) and Mods Affect Multiplayer?.5.3.4 "Rare Bug?" This Happens Every Time I Play!.5.3 A Giant Rash Of Inexplicable Problems Happened (Error Cascade).5.2 Problems Connecting Or Right After The Lobby.4.6 What If I Only Have One Steam Or GOG Galaxy Account?.3.3 Bandwidth/CPU Requirements And Player Counts.2.1 Reporting Lag Or Connection Problems, Specifically.

    Galaxy on fire 2 multiplayer